Peace family. Have you ever been asked the thought-provoking question, "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" Perhaps you wasn't prepared for it and said whatever came to the top of your head. There's wisdom in this question, so, I'm asking you now, "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" It's 2009, so we're talking about 2014 [which is 5 years from NOW].
I'm 44 now, so in 5 years, I'll be 49-50 [being that I'll be turning 45 in November]. I have given this question much thought, I have given MY LIFE MUCH THOUGHT and what my goals are. I'm working diligently on my life's Master Plan. What's YOUR MASTER PLAN?
We're striving to achieve the 12 Jewels of Islam: Knowledge, wisdom, understanding, freedom, justice, equality, food, clothing, shelter, love, peace and happiness. What means and methods are we using to manifest these jewels in our life?
There's a god [Power Born Pedagogy] who posted a build from his blog, "Yellow Seed" on February 12, 2008, who said, "Get your hands dirty in the community and SHOW the people you have the keys to the universe, rather than trying to convince them. Everyone qualifies themselves through their own words, ways and actions. Their wisdom..." I agree with him 1000%!
There's so much opportunity available to us to become entrepreneurs and/or have rewarding careers. What path have YOU chosen for self? What path are you preparing your child(ren) for? Are you in college/trade school/technical school, etc., in pursuit of obtaining food, clothing and shelter for self and your seeds, for your family, for your community, for our NATION? Are you mastering any particular science to add on towards building our NATION?
Family, we have to grow up (mentally and spiritually) to become what we say we are, to become what we can be potentially. Teach the babies, show them by example, how to apply the Math (ISLAM) to solve life's daily unknowns, life's daily challenges, life's complex algebra problems. It's time to show and prove, not just building verbally and having a degree in quotology. WEALTH + WISDOM = POWER. We have the wisdom, we have to work (labor) to obtain the wealth to build constructively to show forth God's power within us.
I'm in college, halfway through, in pursuit of an Associates Degree in SOCIOLOGY, then I will continue on in pursuit of a Bachelor's Degree. I'm building a non-profit organization, Imani-7 Women's Re-entry Organization, serving female offenders and ex-offendes in my community (working to establish Imani-7 Resource Center). I am positioning myself to work for self, to address some of the social ills affecting my community (based on my knowledge, wisdom, understanding and 44 years of experience). I'm also building my photography/videography business with a focus on producing educational, thought-provoking documentaries. This is my master plan in motion, what's yours? Show and prove, not to me, to self, your children, your family, your community, our Nation. Remember: LIGHT travels at the rate of 186,000 miles per second.
I welcome all comments. My email address is: - Let's build positively, time is of the essence. Please add my blog address (link) to your FAVORITES if you find my builds worthy "smile" and share the knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Each one, reach one! P.E.A.C.E.